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Anno MCMXCVIII Hreðmonað
- Her for Wilhelm Americae foresittend innan on Africam þætte he mihte sprecan frið ond eft gefeccan þæt þe he hæfð of his weorðnesse forloren. Forðy on his agenum lande wurde gesægd þæt he hæfde forlegen mid oðrum wifum. Þa sceoldon his gewitan gecunnian gif þis sie soð ac þendan wæs his ar læssa. Ac eac on Africam wæs him Suðafricae foresittend grimm þæt America wæs his lande wrað þæs freondscipes mid Cubam ond Libyam. Þa sægde him Nelson Mandela foresittend þæt hi wæron him æfre freond swa þætte hi him sceolden simbel beon freond on tocyman eacswa. Eac on Africam, mon cwiþþ þæt þær bið sona foresittendcyre1) on þæm rice, Mozambique gehaten, þe on suþdæle þæs miclan landes is. Nis þæt lytel þing on þissum earman rice, on þæm wæs micel folcgefeoht betwux twæm folcum. Weneð mon nu þæt folcgeweald2) þurhwunian sceal.
- On þissum geare mihte folc on Francarice ceosan ealdormenn þæra scira. Hwelcu ungesælð! Forðy on hierum ofermode hæfdon hi wiðstanden þæs foresittendes ealdormenn on þæm scirum ond nu is þriddel þæra ealdormenn þe hi gecoren hæfdon þæs ilcan folcdæles þe forhogieð þæra wellisca on Francarice swa swa hi wæren barbarae. Þa eft noldon oðre ealdormenn mid him wyrcan for to nemnienne fram hiera gemang anne scirref swa þæt þær sindon nu scira þe næbbað scirref. Ond on Parise wæs þær folcunræst ongegn þissum "Folces Orde" forðy hi nillað hie habban swa ealdormenn.
- Ond on Americam on Jonesboro in Arkansas lande hæfdon twa cnapan þe næfdon git ðrietien gearas feower mæden gecwolen mid sceotgewere4) ond eacswa hiera lareowestran. Þa wæs eall America on gnornunge ac þa ealre worulde ofer wæs mannum murniende mod. Uton us gebiddan for hiera cynne ond mægðe ond freondum þætte him Dryhten gife ræst ond þætte þa cildu on hiera lareowestre hæbben ecu lif ond þæt God sie þam twam cnapum milde! Amen.
- On Germaniam mihte folc on þæm scire Niðersaxe ceosan ealdormenn ond scirref. Ond se scirref þæs folcdæles wið þæm heahgewitan Helmode hæfde þesne freond geslogen on folcgetæle. Nilleð folc Helmod swa heahgewitan na mare forðy he is git on mægne siððan mcmlxxx ond nu is he eald. Ac eacswa is Germania on unræste forðy þa twa ealddælas sindon togæder siððan mcmxc ond niedgeld is heah.
1 foresittendcyre = presidential elections
2 folcgeweald = democracy
3 sceotgewer (n) = `shooting gun' [neologism based on Dutch geweer and German Gewehr, from the verb werian 'to defend']
Anno MCMXCVIII Eastermonað
- Bið Wilhelm Americae foresittend bliðe, forðon se ærest þysses monaðes hæfð sum demend toworpen þa bespræce his onspecendes. Bið Paula Jones sorgful ond ierremod; ne sculon ure ealdras beon rihta gebæra ond sida bisenas?
- Atolas windas habbað forhergod Alabama land. Her wæs micel cyrm, deað ond sorg.
- Seo woruld ætgædere mid þæm Dalai Lama murneð æt þæm fyrdeaðe1) sumes mannes of Tibetalande. Þes man hine acwealde on selfmorðre2) þa he hine forbarn, forðon þe næfð Chinaland noht onlysode his folc fram hiere clammum.
1 fyrdeað = death by burning
2 acwellan on selfmorðor = commit suicide
Contributions by Michel van der Hoek, Sarah L. Higley and Melissa Bernstein.
Anno MCMXCVIII Ðrimilcemonað
- Þa India cunnedon wæpnu micelre forspillednese, for ðon beoð monig ealdoras in þisse worulde geomore. Nu Chinalond ond Pakistan onbidað fæhþe. Nan man wat, hwæðer þa Indie hie þreatian mihten. Þa ealdoras Pakistanes eac cunnedon wæpen micelre forspillednese, ond fife siðum, forðon hiera folc wolde þaet hi swa dyde. Þa ealdoras Pakistanes maðelodon, ond þas ricu, aer gebroðor, nu ofer mearce stearcferhðlic1) þeowraciað. Ealle hiera habbað wæpnu micelre forspillednesse. Eastdælas acwacað, ond eac westdælas.
- Læcas in Americalande fundon læcewyrte þe is "Viagra" haten. Nu menn þe ær ne swifað, mid wife hæman magon. Micel feoh cumeð, soðlice.
- Wyrd forsweop Frank Sinatra to metodsceafte. He wæs scop and macede monige plegan in Americalande ond cuðe breme menn. Oft he cwæð, "Ic hit dyde minum wege", ond þæt wæs soð.
- Her on þissum monaðe wearð folccyre on Iralonde, on þæm scolde mon ceosan oððe frið betwux him oððe geflita ma. Se þeodscipe wile nu þæt fana gehwilc to maðelstede cume ond þæt þa fyrendæda nu swiðrien. Þeah þe sume menn nellað þisses geþafian, man mot secgan to soðe þæt frið bið on Iralonde ma þonne æfre ær.
- Her, on þæm .xxi. dæge þæs Ðrimilcemonaðes, on þæm dæge þære upastignesse Cristi, stop Suharto Indonesiæ foresittend of þæs stoles on þæm he hæfde gericsod .xxxii. wintras for ðon þe næfde he mægen to gebetanne landes ceapungstaðol ond feoh. Þeah þæt he æt ærestum hæfde geholpen foldbuendum wæron hi him wraðe for spedlosinge ond for unarlicum gewealde ond for unmennisclicum gebærum wið þæm folce forðy æt ende gedag nan butan him ond his hiwum. Ond þa feng Habibi foresittend to rice þe ær wæs underforesittend2) ac hine nolde þæt folc þæt he weolde mægen on lande forðy he wæs Suhartan freond. Þeah wæs seo þeod mirþful þæt Suharto næs foresittend na lengra.
- For hwy forsleað cildru oðere cildru? Eft hæfð sum geong cnapa, bi naman Kip Kinkel, acwelled twegen geongra leornera æt his scole3) on Oregonanlande, ond eac his moder ond fæder. He was butan fiftiene geara, ond he hæfde micel yrres, micel yfeles, ond fyrstæf4) him on handum.
- Þeos fyrendæd onhyrgeð þa bisena þæra gelicra fyrendæda þe oðere cnapas habbað gedon on Arkansas ond on Pennsylvania. For hwy sind ure geong cnapas on Americalande swa wælhreowas? For hwy magon hie swa eaðelic habban fyrstæfas ond oðere wæpen?
1 stearcferhðlic = harshly
2 underforesittend = vice-president
3 scol = school
4 fyrstæf = gun ("fire-stick")
Contributions by: Michel van der Hoek, Sarah L. Higley, Jeff Sypeck and Stephen Pollington.
Anno MCMXCVIII Midsumermonað
- Her on þæm fruman þæs Midsumermonaðes onfeng guð on Eritrean-lande mid hiera eald-oferwaldendum, þæm Sigelhearwum1), þæt is Ethiopan-lande. Wearð Eritrea-land geo feawra geara freoland þæra Sigelhearwa ac þeah hie wæron siþ on friðe næfdon hie ánnes2) ofer mearcum swa þætte hie þa ongunnon gefeoht. Eall þa fremde flugon utan of lande.
- Eac on þissum monaðe settode dema on Americam, þæt is on þæm lande þe wicingas nemnodon Winland, dom for Louise Woodward. Heo wæs git for cradolcild-morðre gedemed ac heo sægde þæt heo wære unforwyrhtu3). Nu wæs dom gefæstnod þurh oðre deman ond begen ræddon þæt heo næfde cild niðes acweld ac for hiere unduguðe. Ac heo ne sceolde on carcern forðy heo wæs git on carcerne for þissum misdæde. For ðon þe heo næs of Americaniscum folce ac of Angelseaxum sceolde heo utan of lande on Englaland þær hiere cynn libbde ond hæfde swæsendu4) þæt heo næs na lengra on carcerne.
- Ond on Geogoslafian-lande biþ niw unræst, nu on þæm scire þe hateð Cosofa. Will folc on Cosofa, þe of Albaniscum blode is ond na Serfoslafiscu gereord spreceð ac Albaniscu, freodom þæra Geogoslafa. Þa com Milosevic Geogoslafa foresittend, mid fyrde to gewinnanne andsacan on Cosofa-lande. Fela menn wurdon gecweld ond oðre flugon on Ælbaniam. Þa sendde NATO, þæt sind land on Europam mid Americam ond Canada-lande, fleogfyrd5) on Cosofa to fleoganne ofer swa þætte Milosevic ne wurde cwellan ma menn.
- William Clinton, Americae foresittend, wæs on Cinalande nigon dagas. He spræc mid þæm forsittende þæs Cinesiscan folcgewealdes, Iang Iemin, ond mid ærendwriterum6) ofer werþeodrihtum7). Sægde he þæt Cinaland sceolde beon mare mennisclicru ond þæt he wæs gedrefed ofer unræste on þæm Ciananmenn-staðle on .mcmlxxxix.. Eac spræc he for cristeniscum freodome on þæm lande.
1 Sigelhearwa = Ethiopians
2 ánnes = agreement
3 unforwyrht = innocent
4 swæsendu (npl) = feast
5 fleogfyrd (f) = airforce (lit. 'flying army')
6 ærendwritere = journalist (lit. 'message-writer'))
7 werþeodrihtum = human rights
Contributions by: Michel van der Hoek.
Anno MCMXCVIII Æfterra Liða
- Her eorðstyren under sæ arærede þa miclan yð þe hatte tsunami, ond heo sloh þone norðernan særiman þaes landes Papua Niwes Guinean ond acwellede six þusend menn, for þy seo yð wearð swa heah swa treowas þenden heo stah on undiepðe, ond se særimamere æt Sissano wearþ gefylled mid licum and gebrocenum husum. Godes miltse sie on hira sawlum ond on þam þe oferlibbað þær ean bigleofum.
Contribution by Anthony Appleyard.
Anno MCMXCVIII Weodmonað
- Her wearð micel fyrendaed on Iralande þe þæt frið geendian scolde. Siex ond twintig menn ofslægene nu sind fram anum utberstendum wægenwæpne, swa swa giet on Africalondum menn sturfon. Wea bið þæm þe worhton.
- Her on Africam on Nairobi ond on Dar es Salaam (þe in Arabgereorde segþ Friðhus) sume mid utberstendum wægenwæpnum sohton forbrecan þa Americiscan ombehthus, ond hie ofslogon manige menn, þara se maesta dæl wæron Sigelwarafolc þæs landes þe næron on ænigum gefeohte þeodum. For hwy? Nahwæðer Godes word, ne Allahes word þe hatte al-Qur'ân, þæt is se Curan, alyfeð swylc slohtre manna for gefeohte oððe to wrecanne. And þider Israhel sendde menn mid hundum to secanne þa gebyrgede under gefallenum stanum.
  Her ongean ofer grunde   wearð great and deop
  flod ofer feldum   þær on folde oft,
  on Bangladeshe   bealo doð wætru.
  In eormenbeorgum,   Eorðes hiehstum,
  Himalaya,   hearde and lange
  regnwolcnas ridon   reðe of heahsæ
  wiþ Tibetes weallum   and torrbeorgum
  ofer cealdum clifum,   Kangchenjunga
  and Chomolungma1),   þæt to ceorllandum
  gað to Gangan   greate wætru
  sæ secende   secga þurh earde,
  eastan þurh ceastrum,   Allahabad
  and Benares haligum,   to Bangladeshe,
  ne nu gebunden wyrtum   beorgwealdtreowa
  æfter menn fylledon   manige hyrstas,
  holtas in hyllum.   Under heam wætrum
  Bangladesh læg.   Brahmaputra
  eac of easte   innan lædde
  mihtige wætru.   Hwæt to mannum þær
  wile God deman   to þæm greatum folce?
  Fela eafloda,   and hwilum forð of sæ
  hweolstorm gehliepð,   se hearmscaða mæra.
  Hronrad swa hyllas   heah wæs aræred.
  Særimaweall slad,   þa secgas adruncon,
  Hatia ieg wæs   under holmes yðum,
  and oðrum tide   tuciende garsecg
  Sandwip lecgede   under sæs meahte.
  Flodas aflowað,   feldas drygað,
  ac unwæstm wearð,   and weste is eard,
  hungor and unhælo,   heddærn æmtig.

1 Chomolungma is Tibetan name for Mount Everest
Contributions by Steve Pollington and Anthony Appleyard. The verse entry was written by Anthony Appleyard.
Anno MCMXCVIII Hærfestmonað
- Her wæs eorðstyren ymb Dushanbe in Tajikistane.
- Her se folc fand þæt Bill Clinton American foresittend oft hæfde gebeon on wifcyþþe mid Monica Lewinsky, þeah ær he segde fore manigum þæt he næfre wæs on wifcyþþe mid hire. Ond manige ascodon: æfter þæm þæt he leag ymb ane wife, durron we truwian hine ymb mare geþinge rices?
- Ac oðer folc magon acsian, ond hi habbað, hwæðre þa misdæde Clintones -- þæt he wæs on wifcyððe mid anre wife on æwbryce and sægde under aðe þæt he næs — weorðað grund þæt he sceal beon aworpen of his hade. Þurfon we forleosan ure foresittend onmiddan þære ofersælican fæhðu?
- Ond oðer folc magon acsian ond hi habbað hwæðre hit bið Starres misdæd ond þæs Huses þæt he hæfð awriten ond hie þære worulde gecyðan þæt micel cyrcelwyrdboc 1) wið Clinton ond Lewinsky ond eale heora dyrnan word ond dæde; þæt hit bið for laðe ond noht for rihte þæt hie habbað ealle fordon þa lif geonges wifes; ond þeah þe heo næs gyltleas, þæt heo wæs no ðy læs beswicode noht ane be ane foresittende, ac be ane lawihtan ond his hwispriandan wifhadan rædboran Linda Tripp. Is þeos riht? Læteð hine þe beoþ butan gylt awearpan ðone ærestne stan... Manig folca on Americalonde healdað ge an ge oðer þoht. Ic nat nan wisdom her.
- Her mihtig hweolstorm gehaten Georges cwom mid greatum regne ond winde ond sæ-upgonge of eastan on Caribbean-iegum ond micle ond yfle tobræc ðone wæstm ond unrim bledtreowa ond husa manna, ond ofsloh .ccclxxxi. menn. He cwom on Guadeloupe ond Dominican ond ofereode eall þæt, ond þa to anum dæle Cuban, ond þa onstah on Americaniscum lande on Mississippi-lande, ac his miht gewanode æfter he afor of his sæ on lande. Ac he ne cwom to þære micelra ceastre New Orleans ne to þæm stede woruldrum-farena 2) þe is æt Cape Canaveral.
- Her on þissum monaðe wæs folccyre on Germania-lande ond folc ceas þæt se ealdþegn Helmut Kohl, landes heahþegn eft .xvi. gearum sceolde þone cynestol alætan (for ðon þe se heahðegn hæfð þær mare mægen þonne se foresittend) ond nu sceal Gerhard Schröder to rice fangan eft þæt he hæfð niw witenagemot gegaðerod. Hlæst on him bið great for þy weorcleast 3) on Germaniam is heah þurh þa geanlæcunge 4) þær þæt earm eald eastdæl Germania-landes mid þam weligan westdæle on annes com. Nu sceal Gerhard Schröder helpan mid þære annes on Europa. Ac mæg he þa wyrcan? Þæt sceolde seo woruld hire acsian forþy nu sceal Joschka Fischer beon Utanlandscealc 5) ond for feowerum gearum ne ðohte man on Germania þæt "Þa Grenan", þæt is his mægenwerod 6), þæt he nis þæm mægne weorðe.
1 cyrcelwyrdboc = "computer speech book", i.e. internet publication.
2 woruldrum-faran = "space travellers", i.e. astronauts.
3 weorcleast = unemployment.
4 ge.ánlæcung = (German) Reunification.
5 Utanlandscealc = Foreign Secretary.
6 mægenwerod (m) = "power-band", i.e. political party.
Contributions by: Anthony Appleyard, Sarah L. Higley and Michel van der Hoek.
Anno MCMXCVIII Winterfylleð
- Her on þissum monðe wæs micel stormsæ geworden þe wolde forspillan landa fela geond middangearde. On þæm westdæle Englalandes mon scolde rowan fram his huse, life ond feoh to nerigenne, ond se flod adrencte wilddeor monig. Geond sæwe on Winlande, þe man eacswa nemneð America-lande, wurden hus ond getimbru fordone be þæm atolan garsecge.
- Her micel ond strang hweolstorm Mitch gehaten swiðe sloh dǣl Midamerican ond ofsloh seofon þusend menn ond forheriode þæt land. His flod ofsloh .ccxlviii. menn in Tegucigalpa þe is Hondurases heafodstede, ond in Nicaraguan ðurh his miclan regne se mere in þæm muðe þæs fyrbeorges Casitas utbærst mid hore 1) ond treowum ond stanum ond bebyrgede .ml. menn in .iv. wicum þe wunodon in dæle under þæm fyrbeorge. Man segþ þæt .lv. inceas regnes feollon in Hondurases beorgum oþþe ma.
- Her ongean John Glenn worldrummann 2) wearð gescoten ut of eorðes lyfte, in anum Space Shuttle, ond he wæs .lxxxiv. wintru eald, swa geo scopas sungon `har hilderinc'. Ond he felamodig is, þæt he ongean in woruldrumreafe ride mihtigne fyrcræft þa him ieldo wæs.
- Her in Kosovo wearð frið for anum tide, ond manige Albanisce menn þe flugon ðonne Serbas hergodon hira land mid fyre, cuðon gan ongegn to hira husum, æfter Englaland ond America woldon sendan guðlyftscipu 3) wið þæm Serbiscan here þe wæs in Kosovo. Ac se guðhearmweorca Slobodan Milosevic Iugoslaviae foresittend is giet freo.
- Kosovo-land is deor in þara Serba heortum, æfter micel Turcisc here ofsloh ða Serbiscre fyrd on Kosovo Polje (þe in Serbgereorde is Oslefeld 4)) ond nom eall þæt land, ond on þæm dæge feollon Lazar tsar Serbiae ond Murad sultan Turclandes, ond þa Turcas ahton wælstowe gewald. Ond þa Muslimiscan Turcas swiðe getawodon þa Serbas, ond æfter þæt Suleiman sultan ofsloh ða Hungariscre fyrd æt Mohács ond nom Hungarian ond Turcas oft sare hergodon hit þæt hit wearð æmettig, þæt manige Serbas flugon ond wunodon in norðlandum gemang Croatum on in þæm dælum Hungarian þe nu hatton Slavonia ond seo Vojvodina. Ond manige Albanisce cwomon ond wunodon þær Serbas wunodon ær, for micel land was nu æmettig. Ond in Geolmonaðe .mdccclxxviii. æfter þæt Serbia nomon Nish of Turclande, Serbas utdrifon swiðe hearde ond unrihte ymb .cxviii. þusend Albaniscra folces of landum ymb Morava-ea betweox Nish ceastre ond Kosovo mearce in wintersnawe, ond manige hira flugon to Kosovo-lande. Ond þenden in geare .mcmxii. Serbia ond Grecland ond Montenegro ond Bulgaria fuhton wið Turclande, Serbas nomon Kosovoland of þæm Turcum ond twegen dagas fuhton hearde wið Turcum æt Kumanovo ond ahton wælstowe gewald; ond Serbas forheriodon þone Albaniscne folc in Kosovolande ond eac in Albanian sylfe þenden hie eodon þurh Malësi beorgum to sæ æt Durrës. Ond þurh manigum gearum æfterra þa Serbas ne dydon rihte mid þæm Albaniscum folce.
1 horh = mud.
2 woruldrumman = "space man", i.e. astronaut.
3 guðlyftscip = "war-airship", i.e. warplane.
4 Oslefeld = Field of Blackbirds.
Contributions by: Steve Pollington, Anthony Appleyard.
Anno MCMXCVIII Blotmonað
- Æfter aeode se hweolstorm Mitch, .xvii. þusend menn wæron deade, oððe man ne mæg findan hie, ond .mcd. þusend menn sind ean husum. In Hondurase he stod þreo dagas þenden he fordyde þæt land ond þa bledtreowas ond þone wæstm ond .xc. brycga: Godes miltse sie on þæm landum! Ne in .ccxviii. gearum hweolstorm dyde swylc micel hearm in þæm landum. Æfter þæt aeode Mitch, in Nicaraguam se fyrbeorg Cerro Negro (þe segð: Blæc Beorg) utbærst mid æsce ond gemoltenum stane, ac ne ofsloh mann. Æfter þæm, Mitch eode to norðan to þæm Floridiscum Cægum, ac his miht wæs micle gesweðrode: ond he rann to eastan ofer heahsæ ond cwom to Iralande ond to Scotlande, ond þær fyllede manige treowas ond sloh þara landa særiman.
- Her æt Ieper in Belga land, in ceastre ond æt þæm Menin-geate, wæs halig begong, for þæm þe wæs eahtatigoða gear æfter endode seo micla formanigsleanda 1) guð þe man misðohte þæt seo endode ealle guðe. Ond Elizabeð cwen Englalandes wæs þær, to lecganne hweol bloma. Ond, swa a gelamp, ongean eodon þider sume þe fuhton on þære guðe, þe geo wæron manige swa hloð 2), ac nu hie wæron buton siex, ond hie wæron oreald, ond he þe spræc for þæm hloðe wæs hundteontig wintru eald. Ond hie eodon to oðrum stedum þær wæs gefeoht ond great deað in þara guðe, swa Polygon-wudu þe hatte rihte Bois du Polygone. God forbidde þat ongean gelimpe swylce guð!
1 formanigsleand = "many-slaying"
2 hloð = troop.
Contributions by: Anthony Appleyard.
Anno MCMXCVIII Geolmonað
- Her sið ond late wearð ongean getimbrod ond gehalgod seo micla synagoga in þæm ceastre in Pola lande þe a hatte in Pola gereorde Oswiecim, ond in Pola gereorde "o-swiec-" segð "ymb-halgian"; ac in Germana gereorde seo ceaster lange hatte Auschwitz, oððæt se deaðstede wearð getimbrod þær ond nom þæt nama ond þæt nama wearð drædlic word. Þær on .xxvi. dæge Æfterran Geola in geare .mcmxcv. wæs micel folgung, for þæm þe wæs þæt fyftigoða gear æfter þæt se stede wearð gefreoged.
- Her Pinochet þe wæs in ærdagum foresittend Chile-landes wearþ genomen in æwe hæftnoþe þenden he wæs in seochuse in Lundenbyrig, for þæm þe sume secgaþ þæt þenden he ricsode Chile he sendede mcd menn to deaþe ond manige to tintrege, ond sume þara wæron Hispanisce ond Hispania wysceþ deman hine for þissum deaþum. Ond sume Chilisce menn secgaþ þæt þeos demung sie riht dæd ond sume secgaþ þæt þeos sie unriht.
- Her æt Surat Thanin in Thailande lyftscip feoll of rodore to eorðe ond cwellede .ci. menn þe wæron in him.
- Her ge yrres ældlas ge yrres wordas habbað gefeallen on Iraq ond on ure American foresittend onlice, ond hwa mæg witan gif hit is wisdom oþþe noht? Englaland ond America sendedon guþlyftscipu þe sare slogon Iraq, for þæm þe Saddam Hussein þe ricsaþ Iraq nolde alyfian weorcan þa menn þe sohton unrihte wæpn.
- Her æt Loccerby in Dumfries-scire in Scotlande wæs halig begong1), for þæm þe wæs tienð gear æfter þæt sume menn fordrifene be þæm deofle settedon utberstend in miclum lyftscipe, þæt hit feoll þær ond ofsloh eall þe wæron in him, ond hie wæron formanige, ond sume þe wæron in husum on grunde.
- Her siþ ond late man gerædede þæt Clinton foresittend sceal gan fore deman for þæm þe he aleag ymb Monican Lewinski.
- Her endeð þæt ærest gear þæra New Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, þæt wæs .mcmxcviii., on internet. We þanciað eallum þa þe midgeweorced habbað to writenne hiere ond we hopiað þæt ge ealle sende us mare eowra wordcræfta on þæm niwan geare.
. xx d: Her in Houston in Texase Nkem Chukwu acennede seofon cildru ætgædre ond on .viii. dæge ærra heo acennede án cild, ond ealle eahta wurdon acennede libbende. Ond heo is Nigerialandisc.
Contributions by: Anthony Appleyard, Sarah L. Higley and Michel van der Hoek.
(to next year)